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Monday, June 22

Relaxing Weekend!

Well, there's not really a whole lot to talk about today. We just didn't do all that much this weekend. (and it was FABULOUS!!) No plane rides... no parties.. nothing. Just me, Chris, the kids and the pool! :) We spent Father's Day at my in-laws. Chris grilled while the kids swam.. and Mommy was off duty! (the best part of being at the grandparents!!) :)

I just had to post today to share this picture. As you can see, the potty training is still underway! And yes... he's in the middle of the living room, naked, watching TV. (pretty sure it was Bob.. always!) Typical Ethan! Gotta love him!


1 comment:

Anna Newman said...

This is exactly what worked for us!!!! Kept that potty in front of the tv in the living room for about a month. We have since moved it back to the bathroom but sure does help keep them on it long enough to let it out when they are watching tv, ha