WOW!! Life lately has just been a roller coaster! I thought that we (I) would definitely get bored staying home this summer, but boy was I wrong!! I can't even describe how busy we've been! Between the kids activities and camps (The Little Gym and ballet), I have pretty much felt like a taxi driver these days! Unfortunately... I DON'T GET PAID! ha! I've tried to snap a few photos along the way...
But first.. let me just tell you a little bit about what Ethan has been up too lately...
Now, he's ALWAYS been a handful. But it seems like he's really breaking out of shell recently!
First of all.. he is really sprouting in height! He definitely inherited the Smith height! (my brother, my dad and my grandfather are all over 6ft!) He is SOOO tall and SOOO skinny! BEANPOLE for sure! He eats like a horse and never gains weight! He has absolutely no waist! (makes me sick! ha!) So.. everything is too small in length and too big in the waist! Almost all of his jonjons are too short in the stride. Which definitely makes his recent "trend" a tad bit difficult...
Lately he has ONLY wanted to wear jeans and his "boat" shoes! I bought him a pair of Sperry's from Stride Rite at the beginning of summer and he's obsessed with them! He calls them his "boat" shoes and insists on wearing them with EVERYTHING! The jeans... I just dont get! He's so hot natured but will only wear jeans! And considering he growth spurt, all his winter jeans are a good 1 to 2 inches too short! I'm sure you can imagine how that looks! He does NOT care though! It's jeans and "boat" shoes.. everyday!
He has also started waking up VERY early and helping himself to whatever he can find in the kitchen! He meanders downstairs and just eats anything! He'll climb in the fridge.. in the pantry... whatever he sees! I told Chris that we were going to have to start putting the baby gate up again at the top of the stairs! ha!
He topped off all his antics last Friday at the sprinkler park though!
We were having a great time until several day care vans pulled up and let the kids go wild! It was quickly getting out of hand so I told my kids to play for a few more minutes while I packed up our stuff. While I was getting everything in the car, Ethan came running up complaining of his teeth. I initially shooed him away but when he kept on, I bent down to take a peek. And OH MY GOODNESS.. his tooth was chipped!!! I kept asking him what happened but he wouldn't tell me. So, I have no idea if he fell, was pushed or ran into something??! I quickly got him in the car and called the dentist. Dr. B wasn't working that day, but was in the office, so he told us to come in so he could look at it! (THANK YOU DR.B!!!)
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