5 month Stats:
You are 19 pounds and 4 ounces
You are 28 1/2 inches long
You are wearing 6-9 mo onesies and 12mo pjs and could really wear a 12mo all the time.
You are in size 3 diapers during the day and size 4 at night.
You love your exersaucer and johnny jummper!
You FINALLY rolled over!!! You’ve been trying for weeks and finally got the hang of it!
You are a cat napper during the day. You like to sleep in the car during our school commute. You still go to bed around 8-8:30 and you are almost always sleeping through the night. You usually wake up around 5am for a bottle, which Daddy feeds you, then you go back to sleep until about 7:30.
You’ve completely vetoed the pacifier. Which I’m thankful about!! After having two kiddos that absolutely adored their pacis, it’s nice to know that I wont have to wean you off of it in a few years!
You’re still taking 1/2 a Prevacid tab a night. We’ve also switch your formula from Enfamil Gentlease to Enfamil AR. So far it’s working great!!
You eat 7 oz every 3 hours for a total of 40-42/day.
You LOVE bath time!! Splashing is your favorite thing to do.
You are very talkative and are always smiling and laughing. You love to interact with Lilly Kate and Ethan and have become quite the little social bug at MDO!
You love going to Mother's Day Out 2 days a week. YOU LOVE IT!!!
Barely a tooth popping through and the drool is still uncontrollable!
You are eating more and more solids! You eat “breakfast” and “dinner”. We have now introduced: squash, sweet potatoes, prunes, carrots, green beans, peas, and peaches.
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