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Friday, April 1

We LOVE our teachers!!

This morning was an EARLY one for us!! (getting up before 7:30 is ROUGH! oh the life of a mom! ha!) We had to make sure that we stopped and got some special goodies for Ethan's sweet teachers! This week was Teacher Appreciation Week at his school. All the parent's donated money for gift cards for all the teachers and then we were also able to bring special treats for them. Ethan picked out cupcakes (and THANK YOU, KROGER for having a "two-some" of cupcakes.. PERFECT!!!) and sunflowers.. so sweet!

He looked adorable carrying them into school. Yes, he could only manage the cupcakes!! I, on the other hand, had to manage his backpack, lunch box AND both sets of sunflowers!!

*sorry they're so blurry.. my phone is getting uber slow and taking awful pics! time to upgrade to an iPhone 4! i'll be sure to add that to the list of my "needs" these days! ha!*

Last night, he also decorated a heart for his door! He and LK loved getting the arts and crafts out. They were occupied for over an hour! It was fabulous! ;)

I took a few pics of that.. I'll have to post later! I didn't get my card out of my camera yet.

We are so excited for a super fun-filled weekend! Tonight we are heading to the Backyard Bash at the Botanic Gardens My Big Backyard...

It should be a great time! We also have a few other fun family activites planned. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice (I hope so! Last weekend and this week have been dreary and cold!) so we're hoping to get out and enjoy it!

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