First of all, I have to apologize for going a little MIA last week. It was just a crazy one and I honestly just did not get a free moment to sit down and write. The kids and I started feeling a little sick on Thursday of the week before. We were gross most of that weekend and all the rain Memphis saw for 19 days straight just didn’t help matters much! By Monday, we were all definitely not doing well. Lilly Kate managed to make it to school most of the week, but ended up being sent home early on Wednesday b/c she got sick in the cafeteria. She went to school on Thursday, but we ended up at the doctor’s office on Thursday afternoon. She was running a 102 degree fever and had an awful cough! At this point, I was starting to wonder if we had all picked up the flu (which was REALLY worrying me!). Luckily, she was diagnosed with nothing more than a viral infection. The bad part about that diagnosis is that there’s just nothing you can really do for it other than motrin to control the fever, lots of rest and fluids. She’s still coughing, but is no longer running fever. Ethan stayed home from school on Tuesday b/c of a runny nose and fever, but was fine the rest of the week. I think he is more or less just dealing with the weather changing. I’m in the same boat right now! Chris SO FAR has escaped all cold/weather/flu symptoms. Although he did start complaining of a sore throat last night. Hopefully, with the sun shining brightly the past two days, we can all get over our illnesses. With all the rain and all the sickness going on, last week just seemed to drag by. Usually we are so busy that the weeks fly right by, but with no activities planned for last week, we were itching to get out and about by Friday!!
Chris and I celebrated our anniversary last Tuesday. Although I have to admit, I think I only saw for about 45 min that day! With Chris back in school this semester, we don’t really get to see him on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Although, I did have a sweet card and gorgeous mums to make my day a little brighter! Our front porch is now ready for fall!! We planned to really celebrate Saturday night though, so it was all ok! Saturday night we dropped the kids off at Noni and Papa’s for an overnight stay, and Chris and I headed downtown to The Orpheum. Before we got downtown, we decided to grab some nachos and margaritas at Café Ole! It’s been a long time since either of us have been to Café Ole, so it was a nice treat. Not to mention, they had super yummy margaritas!! (a little TOO yummy! Ha!) After the margaritas, we made it to the Orpheum JUST in time for our 8 pm showing of A Chorus Line. I had never seen A Chorus Line, so I was really excited. Chris had never been to a Broadway show at the Orpheum, so he was a little nervous.. ha! I was surprised to find out that ACL is shown with NO intermission, but 2hrs went by so quickly. Before I knew it, the show was coming to an end. I absolutely LOVED the show! It is now one of my favorites!! I’ve gone to Broadway shows since I was a little girl with my grandmother. I love the experience and am really looking forward to sharing this with Lilly Kate as she gets older. She’s at the perfect age now so hopefully soon I can start taking her. (hopefully Lion King will come back to Memphis soon!! Fingers crossed!)

*LK took this one.. even though she cut Chris' head off, it's a cute one!! :)*

By Saturday afternoon, the sun was finally shining again in Memphis. It’s so nice since we went almost a full month without seeing it at all! We haven’t been to soccer practice or games in over TWO weeks, so we’re really excited about going to practice tonight!! Thursday night we have a birthday party at Pump It Up. Looks like we’re back to the craziness that usually exists in the Stickles house! Truthfully though, I would much rather it be that way.. the kid’s (and Mommy) get bored just sitting around the house! (probably why my house is completely spotless after two weeks of no activities and sick babies.. hmmm! Ha!) I am really looking forward to the month of October, we have so much planned.. including, the Ole Miss Homecoming game, Race For The Cure, Halloween, Mommy’s birthday, Brittany’s birthday and then Daddy’s birthday on Nov. 1st. Not to mention the halloween costumes I have to make and all my room mother activities!!WE LOVE FALL!!!