I am LOVING Jessica's topic for today!! GO-TO DINNERS! If for some reason my husband is unable to cook dinner (b/c we all know that i DONT!), you can bet that I'm scrambling around trying to figure something out! So, go-to dinners are the best! Easy, yet yummy, meals that everyone loves! We have several in our house!
{1} Breakfast
Of course, the staple.. "Breakfast for Dinner". Gosh - do we love this one! We change it up a bit, depending on what's in the fridge, but it's typically either homemade waffles (that MUST be made on a round waffle maker - no squares in this house!) or scrambled eggs with cheese. The one dish that is ALWAYS on the table... Ore Ida's Southern Style Hashbrowns! :)
{2} Soup and Grilled Cheese
Yes - we are a soup lovin' family! :) Nothing like a bowl of warm soup on a cold day! Our faves - loaded cheesy potato (o'charlie's style), maryland crab w/veggies and good ole homemade chicken noodle! We also use whole wheat toast for our grilled cheese - it's extra yummy! My husband bought me the panini pan and press that matches our cookware for Christmas, so sometimes we eat paninis instead of grilled cheese! Either way is delish!
{3} Hot Dogs and Mac & Cheese
This is definitely the kids favorite!! This only really gets cooked when it's just the kids eating. But they love it! We have started buying them the organic mac (Annie's Homegrown) and they just gobble it up! Talk about quick and easy too! I usually give them a veggie to go along - they love corn, anything green and of course, salad!
{4} Ham Steaks
We typically buy a 3 pack at Costco for around $11 and they are super yummy! It takes just a few minutes to brown up each side and we're good to go! The kid's love ham with just about anything.. mashed potates, rice, veggies.. anything!
{5} Grilled Chicken
I LOVE grilled chicken!! Whether it's seved as a sandwich or over rice, it doesn't matter! We eat A LOT of grilled chicken in our house! The kid's love chicken & rice, so that's probably the most used way for the chicken. But we use it for just about anything... quesadillas, spaghetti bakes, chicken tacos. Grilled chicken is just good no matter what! We typically buy the frozen bulk bags and just thaw them out when needed. I love to serve grilled chicken with lots of veggies... zucchini, squash, asparagus.. mmm, yummy!
{6} Fried Rice
This is sort of our "left over" meal. If we happen to have left over grilled chicken or pork, we chop it up and make fried rice! I buy the "veggie packs" at Kroger (and they're usually 10 for $10!) of the Stir Fry Veggies, so i mix the veggies, rice and the left over meat together - add a little Stir Fry sauce and Viola! Super easy and the kids love it! It's about the only way I can get them eat such a variety of veggies all at once! :)
{7} Spaghetti Bake/Lasagna
This is another "left over" meal. Again - if we have left over chicken, I cook some pasta noodles - add some sauce and cheese - and bake! It's super easy! I'll also do lasagna this way! I like to add spinach to either of these dishes. I buy the spinach leaves in the produce section, chop them up pretty fine and spinkle them in! The kids never even know they're there!

Well, those are most of my "Go-To Dinners"! I hope you enjoyed! Head over to Jessica's page to see more! :)