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Sunday, August 22

Babies, Frogs & Tigers.. OH MY!

WOW! What a weekend!! I have to warn you that my post is a little out of order! Sorry!! :)

On Saturday, Candice and I (Leslie too, but she was unable to come at the last minute b/c of a family emergency) hosted a baby shower for April and sweet baby Abigail. It was a huge success! Luckily, Chris and I finished most of the house projects on our list before all the guests came over. Although, it left me with hardly any time to actually clean house OR finish all of April's gifts. I was able to get some diaper covers, burp cloths, bibs and onesies sewed and monogramed. They were so stinkin' cute! The food was delicous and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. It's always so wonderful to get together with friends and spend the day chatting.

yummy cupcakes

one of the ribbon trees that i made! they turned out ridiclously cute!!

the cravings buffet.. april actually had NO cravings during the pregnancy (serisouly?? makes me sick! ha! i had TONS of cravings and was a WHALE! haha!), so we just thought of "normal pregnant lady" cravings and put them in the buffet! ha!

look at that diaper cake!!! candice did a GREAT job on it!!

kelley and payten

As I was posting these, I realized that I didn't have a single picture of April! I know that Candice took a ton though, so I'll have to do another posts with all of those! :)

On Friday night, we were up late getting everything finished. At some point, Chris went outside and when he did, a little friend came jumping in the house!

You can't tell by the picture, but he was HUGE! We tried our best to keep Huck away from him. That's just what I needed!

*and PLEASE pay no mind to all the dog hair on the wood floors!*

Chris tried to scoop him up with a broom and dust pan, but he had other plans! haha! It was quite comical to say the least. Fortunately we were able to get our little friend back outside in one piece and Huck did not have a heartattack! Thank Goodness!

After the shower, we took the kids over to spend the night with MeeMaw and Big Daddy (my mom and Gary), so Chris and I went out for the evening. We decided to get dinner & ice cream, take a Target trip and then see a movie. It was so nice to relax with him and have a quiet dinner! That NEVER happens!!

Today, we went to The University of Memphis campus for Fan Fest. The kids had a BLAST! We are SOOOO ready for football season around our house! Just the other day I was printing out both Memphis' and Ole Miss' schedules to decide which games we're going to this year! This will really be the first season that we'll take the kids and we couldn't be more excited!

the best we could do for a group pic..

it's impossible..

LK was obviously tired of taking pics!

haha! see what i mean!

Fan Fest was full of activities for the kids! As soon as the kiddos saw the bounce houses, they took off running!

Tom III was there to help the crowd get in the Tiger spirit! The kids LOVED him!!!

these are vent holes in the back of the cage. the kids would stand there because it was basically face to face with Tom where there was no glass.. and Tom got very playful....

is that not the cutest thing you've ever seen??! The kids were mesmerized by Tom and I think he was mesmerized by them too! They just kept chatting (or roaring, i guess i should say!) back and forth!

Pouncer was there too!!!

listening to the band play

Ethan showing LK the cheerleaders!

E wanted to run through the tiger like all the football players

getting a blue paw print tattoo!

It was SO hot, but SO fun!!! The kids had a ball running around playing and watching the football players! When we got home, we literally ate dinner as we watched Cats and Dogs (which was actually pretty cute!) and then all got ready for bed! We had such a busy weekend that we are all just exhausted tonight! Definitely ready for another fun week at school & work! I am slowly but surely adjusting to teaching. 12 3 1/2 - 4 yr olds is HARD WORK!! It's definitely very fun and rewarding though. I look forward to it on the days that I work.

I hope everyone has a good week!!


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