During the midst of all of our moving craziness, our sweet friend Addyson celebrated her 3rd birthday!! We just adore Addy! She and Ethan go to the same school and were in the same class this summer, so they got to be such good friends.
This was the first year that Addyson got to really ask for and decide what kind of party she wanted... and she was adamant about telling April exactly what she wanted!! A PRWIN-CESS NANASTICS PARTY! (aka - princess gymnastics party) April definitely delivered!!
Unfortunately, Chris and I were unable to go b/c we were so bogged down with house stuff, but Chris' mom stepped in and took them. They had a BLAST!! Candice posted a ton of pictures on FB ( of course!), so I was able to get a glimpse of all the fun.

i mean.. look at that face.. LOVE IT!

E just loves Addy!

she had a ball!

my little daredevil!

can you tell how much fun addyson was having??! I CAN! :)

have you ever seen a more happy birthday girl??!

A and her Daddy

can we say CHARMER??! i see ALOT of trouble in my future!! :)

sweet payten

Look at all those kiddos!! They got to play for an entire hour in the gym, then have cake and ice cream! What FUN! I bet they all took incredible naps when they got home!! I know mine did! :)
Sweet Addyson.. I hope you had a FABULOUS birthday!!!
BTW - Addyson is getting a new Baby Sister in a few weeks! Candice and I are hosting a baby shower for her tomorrow! We are SO excited!

1 comment:
That party looks so fun...my kids would have had a ball, and worn themselves out completely. There is nothing like a good nap after a fun party, for the kids and mommies!!
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