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Monday, May 3

LK's Zoo Field Trip!

I'm sorry that this post is so long overdue. It's just a little crazy around our house lately!
Last Tuesday, LK's Kindergarten class had their annual Zoo field trip! We absolutely LOVE the Memphis Zoo, so I was really looking forward to chaperoning this trip! We got up bright and early and dropped Ethan off with my grandmother, so she could take him to school. We got to school a little early, which NEVER happens! ha! It was so cute to see all the kids in their class t-shirts! The entire school gets class t-shirts and everyone has a different color. They even have class nicknames to go along with their teacher's name.. like this year, Mrs. Jeffrey has the "Jellybeans"! So, our class t-shirts are a light purple with a jellybean jar. Love it! :)
LK and Mrs. Jeffrey getting ready for the trip! :)
walking in the hallway to the buses

Mrs. Jeffrey's 2009-2010 Kindergarten class!

look at my sweet girl getting on this big ole bus! oh my!

oh, but she hammed it up!! :)

This is her "zoo group"! Jerren and Cameron.. such sweet sweet boys! We had such a fun time at the zoo! The weather was perfect and we were even able to see the sea lion show. The kid's LOVED it! We were at the zoo for 2 hours and then headed back to the school for lunch.

LK and her flamingos!

watching the sea lion show and eating snack

LK and her best friend, Bailey... oh boy! what a mess! ha!

look at the sass & spunk! goodness! :)

Are they not just the cutest?! What a fun day!!! I was so happy to be able to spend this day with my sweet girl and her friends! :)

On another note, one of the other moms, who works at the school with the PTA mentioned to me that LK had a piece of art in the art contest.. I had NO IDEA!! She never mentioned it to us! So, she told me where it was being displayed in the school, so that I could go see it. When the buses got back to the school, I immediately when to go see this MATERPIECE.. b/c I was just sure that that's exactly what it was! ;) And sure enough.. it's BEAUTIFUL! Look at my sweet babies giraffe drawing! Can you believe that a Kindergartener did this?! I was blown away.. looks like my LK Stickles might be the next Picasso or Georgia O'Keefe! :)


1 comment:

Angie said...

i love field trips...i love that they all wear matching!

cute art too :))