We had such a ball this weekend! The weekend started with a hair cut for E and he did GREAT! I was so proud of him for sitting still like such a big boy. After the hair cut, we went to the mall for a little shopping. Ethan came home with two new pairs of Stride Rite shoes and they both stocked up at the Disney store with flip flops, utensils and more! Then, we came home to eat lunch and nap. After nap, the real fun began! It was time to go meet the Easter bunny!!
This year I decided to take the kid's into Downtown Memphis for an Easter egg hunt at the Victorian Village. Not only was the weather just incredibly gorgeous, but the homes were breathtaking! The kids had a blast hunting for eggs in the lawn and then metting Mr. Bunny! They even had a petting zoo, snacks and lemonade for the kids, and so much more! I was so happy that we chose to go there!
On last Friday, I had to do a little shopping in Germantown and happened to drive by a little children's boutique, Spoiled Sweet! They were having a sale.. yay! So, I managed to get the kiddos a few cute outfits! They wore some on Saturday to the hunt. I just love them! They best part is that they're reversible.. there's another design on the other side!! :)

My sweet kiddos! SO excited for the egg hunt!
C & E

me & my sweet girl

The hunt is ON!

petting the chickens!

they even had girls dressed up in victorian dresses! LK loved it!

some of the historic homes in the village

On the way home from Downtown, we stopped by Cafe Ole for some yummy nachos!! It was so nice to relax on the patio! (and that margarita sure was delish!) :)

Saturday night we just relaxed at home. The kid's were worn out from their exciting day!
Now.. Sunday.. oh boy.. ha!
We got up and headed to church on Sunday and then ran a few errands. Afterwards, we came home and everyone got ready for naps. We had invited my Grandmother over for dinner that night, so I stayed awake to get everything picked up. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but in the midst of picking the house up, I went tumbling down the stairs!!! Somehow, no one managed to wake up and after about 3 min of just lying there trying to figure out if I was ok, I got myself up and just carried on with my chores. ha! But believe me... i was in PAIN! I managed to make it through dinner and my Grandmother's visit, but I went to bed VERY soon after she left.
I woke up in horrible pain yesterday morning, so I made a doctors appoitment just to make sure that I didn't really injure anything. After about 30 minutes of x-rays (i swear I think they x-rayed my entire body! ha!), I was given the OK by the doctor that nothing was seriously damaged. I am just bruised.. and my back proves it! It's an awful purple color and we won't even talk about the ginormous bruise on my bottom from where I initially landed on the stairs. haha!SO - I am on a muscle relaxer and extra strenghth Advil. I am SO incredibly thankful that I didn't seriously injure myself! I mean, really... I'm always the one telling the kids to be careful on the stairs and to watch where they're going... and I fall! ME! haha!
We are definitely looking forward to the beautiful weather this week!! And so excited about a get-together with out small group on Friday to celebrate Good Friday and the Holy Week. God truly is amazing! I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a good Easter! :)