So.. a few of my friends have started posting this list of goals! I've thought that this was such a great idea for a while, but I just haven't taken the time to actually sit down and do it! But, with inspiration from Jessica, Candice and Haley (bwt-the super cute design up there is by Jess - i was too lazy to make my own and her's was adorable.. thanks jess!) I finally thought about it and made my list!
Some are pretty meaningful and deep, but some do seem a little trivial. No matter what the level of seriousness, it's still a goal though! And, I do hope to complete all 101 of them in 1001 days! OH - and that's like 1 goal every 10 days! That's already a little intimidating! ha!
1. Ski Lake Tahoe - again
2. Dinner with my grandmother, my mother, Lilly Kate and me (and pay for it!)3. Take my kids to Disney World
4. Do regular workouts
5. Take a photography class
6. Take a photoshop class
7. Take a "make-up" Honeymoon with my hubby
8. Send a friend a handwritten letter - just because
9. Take a family vacation to the beach
10. Become members at our church
11. Buy my "mommy" car! (preferably my Volvo XC-90) ;)
12. Buy a sewing/embroidery machine
13. Buy my Nikon Digital SLR
14. Take LK to a Broadway show at the Orpheum
15. Go to a Cubs game at Wrigley
16. Shop Michagan Avenue
17. Buy a new (bigger) house - NOT in the City of Memphis!
18. Take Chris to San Francisco
19. Throw a shower for a friend
20. Get a facial
21. Start a prayer journal
22. Start a blessings journal
23. Try something completely new
24. Go somewhere and not know a single person! (if you can believe it or not, i have never done this!)
25. Take the kids to an Ole Miss game
26. Learn 5 new recipes & perfect them!
27. Go to the Kentucky Derby with Rachel
28. Go to Steeplechase
29. Participate in a Bible study
30. Go to Target & purchase ONLY what's on my list! - WHEW! Didn't think that could happen!
31. Take a family trip to Washington DC
32. Learn to smock
33. Have Baby Stickles #3 - Gray Davis Stickles was born on July 6th, 2011!
34. Spend a day with my baby sister
35. Have a picnic
36. Buy fresh flowers - just because
37. Build a nest egg of at least 6mo income!
38. Tithe more than 10%
39. Go to Pat O's in NOLA and order a hurricane
40. Take my vitamins everyday {prenatal vitamins count, right??!!} ;)
41. Read with my kids every night
42. Kiss my kids goodnight every night before bed
43. Say bedtime prayers every night
44. Sign Lilly Kate up for riding lessons
45. and piano lessons
46. and gymnastics
47. Sign Ethan up for T-ball
48. and soccer
49. and football
50. Actually finish a book that I begin to read
51. RUN the Race For The Cure - not walk
52. Go to NYC during Christmas
53. Get all my Christmas shopping completed before Thanksgiving Day!
54. Finish painting all the rooms in our house
55. See the Rockettes in NYC
56. Get the kids a new swingset
57. Learn how to really make Great Grandma Mae's banana pudding!
58. Print out all my pictures!
59. Play tennis with my hubby
60. Learn how to change a flat
61. Learn how to change my oil
62. Read the Bible front to back.
63. Take E to Sesame Street Live - ok, well.. we didn't do SSL b/c Ethan didn't want to go.. so we did Madagascar Live instead.. still crossing it off! ;)
64. Go camping
65. Print my blog
66. Visit Charleston & Savannah
67. Eat at Lady & Sons in Savannah, GA
68. Build up the kiddos college funds
69. Go to an Ole Miss game with Jennifer and relive the old times in Oxford!
70. Buy a Macbook
71. Quit my job completely
72. Get more serious about my paper business
73. Eat lobster in Maine
74. Volunteer - again
75. Get a pedicure & manicure
76. Take LK to get a pedicure & manicure
77. Spend an entire days with Grams
78. Get Huck a big boy dog bed
79. Get Ethan a regular twin size bed - no more toddler bed
80. Spend an entire day shopping all by myself..
81. and only buy myself something!
82. Make LK's upholstered headboard
83. Buy Ethan a skateboard - i have to admit... i didn't buy it. he got it as a gift! but, it still counts, right//! ;)
84. Make Chris take LK on a "Daddy/Daughter" Date Night - they saw Tangled!!
85. "Antique" the kitchen table and chairs
86. Spend an entire weekend just enjoying the kids with no television and not going anywhere!
87. Spend an entire day doing whatever the kids want to do!
88. Get new pearl earrings
89. Make a family calander and planner & actually use it!
90. Donate all the kids movies that they dont watch to Goodwill
91. Convince Monroe to take girls group pics.. just one more time!
92. Get a couples massage with C
93. Floss every night
94. Turn 30 and be happy about it!
95. Go to PBO and not buy a single thing!
96. Wake up before my alarm for 5 consecutive days!
97. Do 1hr of yoga every day when I wake up
98. Write a letter to my Grandfather with all the things that I didn't get a chance to say.
99. Teach the kids a 2nd language - Spanish
100. Teach LK to blow her nose - apparently this is impossible for a 5yr old! HORRAY!!! Biggest accomplishment of the year!!! :)
101. Start a new list on December 6, 2012.
So, there's my list... let's all see how it goes! :)

You did it...Yay! It helps when you can take ideas from other people.
This is such a great idea! I love the one about Target, that would be so hard for me! BTW I got Mable's bed from T.J. Maxx in Eastgate Shoppeing Center. It was only $20.
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